This site is a response to The Purpose of Christmas by Pastor Rick Warren.
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Recently I was walking down the aisles of Sam's Club and I bumped into The Purpose of Christmas by Pastor Rick Warren. Pastor Warren also wrote The Purpose Driven Life
. When I picked up the book I found myself shaking my head in disbelief at how Pastor Rick Warren wanted to portray Christmas. He talks about how the true meaning of Christmas is about the unassuming birth of a peasant boy mentioning how astounding it is that the birth of Jesus causes traffic jams on Christmas.
One should wonder why Jesus didn't provide us with a better transportation system. This would've been an easy thing to provide. We might not have traffic jams if we had the flying car. We'd have that flying car by now if it wasn't for Christian fundamentalists burning the most scientifically advanced library we had in the era when the legend of Jesus was created. Have you ever heard of the burning of the Library of Alexandria? That "peasant baby boy" contributed to the destruction of one of our most important sources of knowledge. Conceivably because the knowledge contained within it's walls posed a threat to belief in a God. Christians were responsible for the brutal murder of one of histories most important librarians.
"Of the library itself, only a few words and references have survived into our modern era: In 414 AD, so the story goes, a faction of fundamentalist Christians, led by a shadowy character named Peter, ostensibly endorsed by Cyril, Pope of Alexandria, dragged Hypatia through the streets by her hair, beat her to a pulp inside their Church, and then scraped the living flesh off her bones with broken tiles and abalone shells. Her remains were cremated; there is no grave. Cryril was made a Saint, a status he enjoys to this day." - August 4, 2006
If the topic of the Library of Alexandria interests you, I suggest Brian Trent's book entitled Remembering Hypatia.
The destruction of that Library by believers of Christ is one of several events that sent us into the dark ages. Thanks Jesus! Before I go too far off on a rant, let me get back to the issue at hand. Responding to the specifics in The Purpose of Christmas by Pastor Rick Warren.
"It is no accident that you are reading this book. God planned your birth, and before you were even born, he knew this moment was coming. In fact, it may be that all your whole life up to this moment has been preparing you to receive God's Christmas gift to you." Pastor Rick Warren, Page 8 of The Purpose of Christmas
Pastor Rick is correct. It's not an accident that I'm reading his book. I decided to purchase it because I read a few pages and realized it needed someone to help set the record straight. It needed someone to offer some honest clarity to Christmas without the haze of religion clouding the topic.
If Pastor Warren is correct that God saw this day coming then does it not also follow that he saw the day coming in which I would decide to create a website informing folks who didn't know better what the true meaning of Christmas is? God knew I would be informing people that Christmas is merely a bastardized holiday stolen from the Pagans. God knew that I would inform you that the early Church objected to Christmas trees with biblical support, and that I would inform you that the Christmas tree is a pagan symbol. In fact, God knew I would spend an abundance of time on this project, and that a whole fleet of activists dedicated to setting the record straight on issues like this would be on call to answer your objections, which you're welcome to post in response to this.
If Pastor Rick Warren is right that the God of the Bible exists and he knows everything about us before we are born, and we assume that the Bible is also correct about God being all-powerful then one must wonder: Why am I here?
Was I really created by a God that would know I would not be able to believe in him? Was I really created by a God that knew I would lead people to deny the holy spirit thus causing them to commit the only unforgivable sin? Was I really created by a loving God that knew I would make these choices based on the most rational and reasonable logic yet do nothing to change my circumstances? Was I really created by a God who loved me for the purpose of being tortured for eternity? Is that really love?
Surely providing more evidence of his existence would not have hurt free will, it would've only served to protect all humanity from an eternity of torture. Surely an all loving God wouldn't want us to burn forever, yet he supposedly allowed a hell to come into existence, he supposedly allowed millions of humans to come into existence knowing they would end up in hell. He did nothing to stop their fate, why is that? I contend the answer is simpler than it seems: the God of the Bible doesn't exist. In fact he couldn't exist. He is a logical impossibility.
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?